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2021 Private Coaching Rates

Our Mission for Artists During the Pandemic

Payment Plans, Reduced Rates, and More!

We understand the financial challenges that can come with being an artist looking for training- especially during these unprecedented times. Our mission is to ensure that your training is always accessible, no matter your current situation. Our current rates have been adjusted to meet the needs of our community and ensure you don’t go without the training you need. As such, all rates are ‘suggested donation tuition’.

If these rates don’t meet your budget, we will work together to make it happen. Talk to us about payment plans that meet your budget. We understand.

Please email us at with any questions or to talk about payment plans.


Our Coaches


We offer private coaching for acting and audition preparation.
We also offer private coaching for public speaking and executive presence.
We have flexible rates and schedules to fit your needs.

You can learn more bout our coaches here.

